Hilo Bayfront Trails Inc. is building a shared use pathway throughout the Bayfront area, between Downtown Hilo and Hilo Harbor, with nearly 6 miles of trails connecting over 700 acres of land. The Trail will be a much needed asset to our town allowing increased accessibility around our local parks and Bayfront areas, as well as connect our local community and visitors alike to some of Hilo’s most scenic, recreational and historic resources.
A trail where…Kupuna can linger and talk story with friends, mothers can stroll with their keikis, visitors can explore and sightsee, and others can enjoy running, biking, walking and more…
In the News
Hilo Bayfront Trails Participates in a Group Bike Ride for Advocacy with Rep. Greggor Ilagan
On Saturday, November 2, 2024, 21 cyclists from across the Island joined Representative Ilagan for a FREE Group Bike Ride to advocate for a safer bike route along Rt. 130 from Keaʻau to Pāhoa.
Hilo Bayfront Trails Comments on the Draft County General Plan Update
The Board of the Hilo Bayfront Trails, Inc (HBFT) has submitted extensive comments to the County Planning Departmentʻs proposed draft update to the County General Plan, referred to as General Plan 2045 (GP 2045). The comments in the HBFT…