Hilo Bayfront Trails, Inc is a non-profit organization comprised of volunteer community members dedicated to the implementation of complete trail network and its supporting elements as envisioned in the Hilo Bayfront Trail Master Plan.
It is also envisioned that the completion of major segments will inspire the creation of additional trail segments, providing for an ever-expanding multi-purpose trail network extending from and connecting to the Bayfront and the Hilo Downtown area.
The HBFT group meets monthly to help plan and guide the process of networking, fundraising, planning, and construction of the Trail segments. We are also working to expand the trail and the walking, running, hiking and biking opportunities as part of the park and roadway planning throughout Hilo.
As shown on the timeline, much has been accomplished, and yet, much more still needs to be done. We eagerly seek other community members to be part of this process: making the vision for a trail network along Hilo’s Bayfront ….a reality! We need and welcome your participation.
Join Us Today.